Saturday, June 25, 2005


Dudes, I need mission reports to read in Mexico! :)


Your RHS said...

Well, Tim, since I feel a lot of sympathy for your plight, I'll fill you in...

...we were going to completely wrap up every plot point that Brad had brought forth during these past few weeks, leaving no loose ends whatsoever, when we decided to go see Wylde Nept instead.

I think you're completely caught up now...

Boze said...

I have to agree with Tim, I wish Shawn or Brian would at least capsulize their adventure here for the benefit of the other half. I feel that Tim Nigel and Matt are pretty ill informed as to what exactly went on in the other half. I guess I will post up Jeff's mission log, but one has to remember that Trauma tends to ignore or brush over the things that he doesn't understand or doesn't think is important, therefore it may not be a compete picture. Also along the same lines, Matt I think you might want to go ahead and cut n paste your mission log to this thing I have immediately discovered is that these game logs seem to really help people find their character's voice. I really enjoyed reading things from each character's perspective and I believe that the exercise of writing in character really made people think about who their character is in relation to what they are doing and who they are doing it with. I want to really encourage everyone to do this thing, so I may be offering bonus xp at the end of the run for the person who I think keeps the best logs.

PS: Brian, if you haven't already, I'd go back and re-read the post from Edgar again. *grin*

Delphino said...

Working on it Brad. The move, the wedding and the lack of a computer in an air conditioned area on my days off certainly doesn't help my progress.

I will see what I can do.

Womachka said...

Ditto. It's been a matter of not having enough hours in the day for a while for me. I hope this will clear up soon but not likely as I get more entrenched in school & after school & summer activities with my kids.