Sunday, November 20, 2005


The only person who has given me his order for Shawn is Tim...if anyone else wants stuff (Nigel? Shawn? Matt?) you should let me know ASAP or tell me you don't want anything at all, so that way I can call Shawn Monday and let him know. I'm personally getting Realms of Sorcery, some Champs books, and some Vampire cards.


Delphino said...

I am interested.
But money being a little tight, and there being so many expansions that we have missed I need a little time.

I sent Beta a list of product to see about prices for, and he should be getting back to me/us soon.

T-Roy and Jeff Hudson are also interested in the process and I am certain will be dropping cash also for it.

Boze said...

Shawn, I am to remind you that you do have $30 in "store credit" as part of your wedding gift...

Your RHS said...

I too would like the Realms of Sorcery, and the dwarf hold book (the name of which escapes me. Karak Azgal, maybe?)

Of course, I told you this last Monday.

I'm extremely unhappy with your company's customer service, and would like to lodge a complaint. Could I speak with a supervisor, please?


Boze said...

Sure, just let me turn around and drop my pants...allright, there ya go. Start talkin.

Leptopus said...

Nothing for me this time, I'm too distracted by Thanksgiving.

Womachka said...

Unfortunately, nothing for me this time either. Hopefully come May I will have more money to buy fun stuff with.