Tuesday, December 21, 2004

A chance meeting

Delphino surveyed the carnage. Kraken are not prone to being sentimental, but this waste of life caused even him to pause. Of course, these slavers deserved no pity, and would get none from Delphino or his crewmembers. He winced from the fresh bullet wound in his shoulder. Suddenly, he noticed one of the freed slaves looked familiar. It was Marish, a Masiquani sailor he had served with on an a frigate some time ago. One of the few "dry-earthers" Delphino had come to call a friend. He strided over to Marish and raised his hand in greeting. Marish was glad to see his old crewmate, and was overjoyed considering the circumstances. Delphino and Marish exchanged stories. The masiquani sailor told about being waylaid in a dark alley in Baltimus. Then Marish told Delphino a most interesting tale...

1 comment:

Locnar said...

"We were sailing in the Pirate Sea, very close to the edge of the flotsam sea. Before us appeared a strange sight: I five square mile patch of debris covered in slow burning oil. We spied a skiff on the edge of the burning water. Inside the skiff was a badly burned Kraken. He called himself Halimas. He said he was a scout for the last remaining Kraken Great Ship. He didn't last long with his injuries, but before he passed he said this: "I am Halimus. Of the Great Ship. We saw it. In this...Burning Sea. After all these years, it was in our grasp. But there were other creatures about. Waiting for us. Things I'd never seen before. There were three of us, but far more of them. We killed two, but the things were just too strong. I was wounded and ordered to return to the boat but my companions...
You must fetch it. I am no wizard. I cannot summon the Great Ship. But if you pull the sphere from the fire they will sense it, for they are close. Do so and I promise the rewards will be great."

Alas, our captain felt the risk too great. I can show you were the Burning Sea sits on your charts."