Sunday, March 06, 2005

Arkham Horror

Check this out. Lots of details of Arkam Horror 2nd ed. It looks like a major overhaul, not just a tweaking.


Delphino said...

In looking at the closed version of the board, they have modelled it after the old maps of Arkham, square, keeping the neighborhoods in the same order. I like that re-work. Also the Terror track has been reduced to 10...

Seems as if the flexibility of the 10 points divided as you want on the starting characters has been removed.. but I think that will work out fine.

And as Jeff will point out, they are increasing their kingdom of Chits.

Locnar said...

I didn't notice that the board is layed out the the real Arkham map, That does rock indeed. As for the characters, I think they all have unique abilities however, which should make things interesting.

Delphino said...

A PDF of the rules with pictures is available now...

They pushed the release date back to June... *grumble grumble*

Locnar said...

I read the rules though, and they look really good.