Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Aeryn's journal, continued

neway ther wuz rum wit stachew n scellitins inn it n i fite scellitins wit mi sord i nivr achally fited ne1 fer reel wit mi sowrd b4 i wuz nit sceerd tha wuz onli bownz it wuz kina funn to fite em butt thez not lik beestmann hu r verri scerri we kilt them ez n fin rum wit ol bussed rmore n weppons n rum wit pul of blud n a cawfin inn it bad blud herty lik b4 sew i sez bild brij owt of rmore n stuff sew no step in herty blud butt meen dorf sez dum ida butt me bild newa n it work butt ha ha dorf haf too goe hulp ohpin lid cuz it wa hevi we fine bras scul in der n tayk it but dum dorf tayk bad sord 2 i sez leev it butt he tayk i dono y
wee wayt till nite sew mabe beestmann not si us runn oft n it wurkd it mi ida

nu da

volekrad. red. mi journal. an he sa. i ned 2 yus, mor pung too ay shun. so. i wil tri. 2 yus mor. an he also korekt, mi gramma. so i wil tri 2 rite beter,
i am worri abut, thiss jurnee, wut gon hapin wen we dun? r we, stik toogedder. i done no wut 2 doo tha mi onli. frends. i theenk
O MI SAYKRED OAK! i jus, git sceerd bi scul! dam theng wus. sittin on, log beesid mi, furs i thot it wus joek but i waykd up conrad n he freek owt 2! it wus, in his pak burred! i hat this, jobb. mus git midnhim kwik.

Nu da

Volekrad sa I yus 2 much pung too ay shun n not nuff kaapeetolls. I is jus gladd him liv! Dum scul start skreeeemin yesserda wil wee rid n it sumn hord of beestmann 2 cil us. Wee thenk we so smart we amboosh thim, but they wa 2 manni! I hat hat hat beestmann, they is wurs theng in wurled. I shut thim wit mi bo but it no cil them. They 2 tuff n I sa olfrad tak on 3 n he gott hirt reel bad, I thot he ded. No wa we cud beet them if olfrad ded. That sekkon tim i se him go down fitn beestman, this tim I thenk he rilly ded so I git scarrd n I runn oft. I wus inn tree wit scul so I grab it n gump don n runn. I for shur al frends ded. I thenk mabe if I git scul 2 midnhim mabe leest I kan mayk they sahkreefice wurth it. But sum1 rid up hine mi n showt at mi. furs I thenk him kayos warrir but him haf wich hunner simbal rown nec. He sa frends liv! He sa his frends savved thim, an eevin heel olfrad! I so hapi. I not alon. I reejown thim n they not eevin mad I runn oft. Olfrad sed it wus brayv of mi but I thenk he jus sa that to mayk mi fel betr. He is nise lik that. Wee mus git him nu rmore, mabe dorf can trad hammr he fine for rmor. Olfrad ned it reel bad. He bee lucci so far, but he cant bee lucci allas, sumda he git cild. Also conrad ned a pisstole cuz his shutter is 2 hard 2 yus in klos corters. We wurk on dat mabe, we has rived at midnhim.

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